Sunday, January 07, 2007

Photos from the Arm

Finally I'm getting around to posting on here. So this is where I was for about a week and a half. I was actually out in the snow quite a bit. I think I was sledding twice and skiing a couple times as well. It was a good mix between the sedentary relaxing and working out on the hills.

My two nephews got electric guitars for Christmas and they were pretty fun to rock out on. Even my 8 month old niece Ava got the hang of it.

We were so addicted to playing this game... Ticket to Ride. I'm not sure how many times we actually played but it was such a riot. Now that my family is all apart we all play online. It is so hilarious. It is pretty much the biggest time waster I've been addicted to in a while but I just love playing games.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ticket To Ride is the BEST game.